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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation SimpleUtmost Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Chien Yu Liu
English We develop the space from a natural perspective, and the ceiling uses curved edges to offset the rigidity of the straight lines of the structure. The light passes through the metal of the ceiling, and it is scattered and reflected on the semi-arc ceiling to form a sparkling beam. The multiple arc forms of the ceiling and the extension of gray mirrors create a sense of stacking layers. The wooden shutters use a large amount of natural light outside the window to form a light screen, and use different methods as space lighting, presenting a progressive and regular aesthetic atmosphere.
Native 溫暖的橡木色調乘載了整體空間,加上相近的淺色系作為色調基底透過少量的深色元素替各個場域增加視覺漸層。光線透過吊頂的金屬,點點發散映照在半弧形的吊頂形成粼粼光束,天花板多重圓弧形式搭配灰鏡延伸營造出堆疊的層次感,使空間的每個元素與之呼應。以純白色木百葉簾代替傳統的布幔利用窗外的大量自然光形成一屏光幕,用不同的方式作為空間採光,在百葉簾的使用下搭配可切換的隱藏式光源呈現出一種漸進性的,規律性的美感氛圍;私領域由電視主牆造型延伸而成的廊道做為分隔,客用浴廁恰恰完美隱身於此過渡空間。我們從自然角度發展空間,天花板運用弧形邊緣抵消結構直線的硬度,同時將男女主人各自需求、功能、展示物整合於櫃體當中,使整面牆體儼然成為整體空間的展示品。
Website www.simpleutmost.design/work-of-38
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design was highly praised for its innovative use of natural light and architectural forms, creating a layered and aesthetically pleasing space. The integration of curved ceilings and mirrored surfaces, alongside the strategic use of wooden shutters, provides a dynamic interplay of light and shadow, enhancing the spatial experience with a natural, progressive ambiance.
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  2. FoldWave


  4. Running badger electric go kart

  5. KAN

  6. One piece anti theft backpack

  7. DuoSTiX Hand Shower

  8. Wild wild child Fragrance Collection

  9. Exlicon Multi shape design tool

  10. Raresee The Eclipse

  11. Plani

  12. Seal Built with Native Soil

  13. Carry On

  14. Hypergrowth Onboarding Kit

  15. cocoda chair

  16. Ecological friendly multifunctional felt bag

  17. HeatConductive Smart Textiles CrossOver Scarf

  18. COS Conveyer

  19. A fast applied airbag fixing bandage

  20. TenKi Spliced magnetic suction toys

  21. MODULE collection DEESAWAT x SCG x JJD KMUTT

  22. Double Sided Chair

  23. Modular Screening Clinic for COVID19

  24. NBCQ Sound beach camping lamp

  25. The Sound of Length

  26. Degradable flowerpots without transplantation

  27. STRIX

  28. Highland

  29. Smart bedside lamp

  30. Antige Micro needles Therapy System

  31. Loven Collection


  33. ACE MEDICAL Medical Humidifier AHC Series

  34. Single RF needle

  35. TRIFIT

  36. Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM series

  37. ENT Medical Chair System

  38. STEADFAST Coffee Brewer

  39. yokun Olfactory Training System

  40. PANCOM Hope thermometer campaign branding

  41. Listener

  42. sos balloon

  43. FUN TO barbecue integrated box

  44. Aunion Objet Multi Plug

  45. Transper

  46. Cozy Time

  47. In Outside

  48. nabos Modernly reinterpreted Soban series

  49. Emergency Staircase

  50. Occhiali Da Sole Pin


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