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Country China
Year 2023
Client Sime Darby Group and BMW Group Co., Ltd.
Affiliation ARCHIHOPE Co., Ltd.
Designer Hihope Zhu
English The extension part of the installation is to provide a guide for the moving line of customers. From the different car model areas in the exhibition hall to the two-layer complex multi-functional spaces including lifestyle area, merch retail area, leisure area, tea room and café area, they are derived from and connected together by the triangular unit, which also integrates display, sales, customer experience and after-sales service at the same time. There is no physical partition in the overall space layout, with the hope of providing a space for customers to move freely.
Native 来自BMW VISION NEXT的三角形符号,构成一个几何体大型吊顶装置,延伸贯穿将夹层两个空间形成共生关系。悬挑出夹层的装置部分,主要由四片三角形构成一个指向未来的箭头符号。装置延展部分是为顾客动线做一个引导提示,从展车大厅的不同车型区域,到生活方式区、周边零售区、休闲区、茶室、咖啡区等两层复合功能空间,用这个三角单元衍生而串联起来,同时也将展示、销售、客户体验、售后服务融会贯通于一体连接起来。正如业主所说的“我们没有任何神秘的地方,所有的服务都对顾客开放,来的所有人都可以自由享受我们给大家带来的免费服务,不管是咖啡还是茶道还是各种娱乐社交活动”,因此整体空间布局都没有实质的物理隔墙,而是希望给顾客一个可以自由穿梭的空间。装置的钢结构将来可循环利用。挑空的大厅拔高视觉空间的同时提高整体亮度,从而减少繁多的灯光布置,节省了成本也降低了电耗。二层是相对独立的客户餐厅及内部办公区,三四五层则是专业的维修车间,在这个复合性的多功能综合体,我们在整体设计上注重的是动线分流:顾客、服务人员、车间工人的动线,都有各自的互不影响的独立动线设计。
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  1. Intelligent Water Resources Dispatch System

  2. 4Paradigm Sage AIOS Packaging Design


  4. ScienceCom

  5. SAIO

  6. Welcome Digital Bank Visual Identity

  7. Care Together Happy Together Visual branding

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  9. Pingtan Book House

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  11. Re Braille

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  14. Graphic design for Gwangju city commemoration

  15. The Worldly book design

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  17. Garden Salt

  18. SFOC Visual Identity

  19. Jeonnam Dragons Football Club Rebranding

  20. Law Greening Workshop

  21. Happy X Day

  22. Care U Most

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  25. Energy Utopia

  26. WALRUS PUMP Brand Design

  27. Newing

  28. The Song rhythm of Dongqian Lake

  29. SHIN KONG Bank Light Evolution

  30. ROKAF Typeface

  31. THE PENTHOUSE Visual Branding

  32. BE BETTER Packaging for the Earth in 2050


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  43. Midea Industrial City smart operation of IOC

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  60. DNAKE Sapphire Series

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