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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Aric Chang
English The smooth, three-dimensional curves, paired with glass French windows, serve to carry the crystal-clear tea color, as well as the delight and happiness of being steeped in the beauty, from the visual to the taste. In a hard-earned idle moment, visitors can savor tea that is slowing turning sweet and enjoy the happiness of having everything just right. The suspended green curves that encircle the center are modeled on tea leaves that slowly unwind when making tea, subverting regular sensual presentation and enveloping visitors in immersive tea tones and fragrances.
Native 茶葉從發芽、長成、採摘、發酵、焙茶、包裝,穿越了千山萬水,呈現在眼前的這一刻。是一生一次、全心全意的綻放,是全力以赴,是甘之如飴的心情。流暢的立體弧型線條,搭配落地玻璃,將澄澈清透的茶色,浮沉之間的愉悅與幸福,從視覺延伸到味覺,在浮生半日閑的一刻,細細品嚐茶湯的回甘,享受恰到好處的幸福。 在琳瑯滿目各種中式、日式、英式、手搖茶飲市場中,以設計巧思試圖將抽象的茶韻,轉化成具體的型態,為新創手搖飲的品牌門市,打造出獨特而無法輕易被複製的品牌形象。以懸吊式綠色曲線造型,環繞中心旋轉,模擬烹茶舒展而開的茶葉,顛覆感官的呈現方式讓來客感受被茶的色澤、香氣全然包圍的沈浸式情境。 一杯茶的世界能有多大?忙碌生活如茶,有苦澀,有甘甜,在市井的喧騰之中,短暫時光中,透過小小一方空間,體悟一抹採菊東籬的自在。透過餘韻回甘的清冽鮮甜,一種純粹雅緻的儀式感,重新為人們補給為幸福努力的動力。 柴米油鹽醬醋茶,是生活; 琴棋書畫詩酒茶,是雅緻。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is praised for creatively using curves and glass to visually and tastefully enhance the tea experience, offering an immersive environment inspired by tea leaves. It stands out for turning tea enjoyment into a sensory celebration, showcasing innovative design integration.
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