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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation I Hao Chang
Designer I Hao Chang, SIH HAO CHEN
English As the porch between the inside and outside space, the black cabinet is set against the white wall, contrasting the rational texture of the co-construction, and boldly embellishing the hollow recesses with yellow to form a visual highlight. The corners in the entrance, studio and bedroom are mostly closed with small arcs to soften the cold linear space. The wooden floor, combined with the non-marking cement dual-material construction method of the floor, the warm tones of natural light, and the delicate design ingenuity, make the space not only classic and meticulous but also highlight the unique and straightforward personality of the space.
Native 作為空間內外中介的玄關,以白色壁面映襯黑色櫃體,對比共構的理性質地,大膽的在鏤空內凹處以黃色點綴,形成視覺亮點。一氣呵成的櫃體自玄關延伸至開放的料理餐檯,以精巧的線條比例搭配間接光源,創造視覺上流暢的整體感,更貼心地為寵物設置玻璃拉門,保護狗兒不會在人們出入時衝出家門。 一路延伸的開放餐廚空間,弧狀連結的灰色仿泥座吧檯,打造成類似中島般可料理輕食的閒適區域,一旁木質餐桌相襯,在極有個性的空間中注入溫潤感。搭配上方線性燈與懸吊多功能紅酒架設計,客製化的設計,創造出生活中獨特的儀式感。 客廳仍以簡約線條組構的居家風格,兩道線型軌道燈與壁面極簡風格的收納櫃體設計,結合白色書櫃、書桌功能的牆面設計,讓女主人擁有自己的展示與閱讀空間,經典的黃色座椅也發揮空間跳色的活潑效果,可移動的黑色鐵梯更是落實充分收納的功能性。此書櫃牆左側為主臥室入口,在簡約風格中帶入沈穩的藍色調妝點,在生活中添加深邃卻安定的情趣。書櫃的另一側是男主人工作室,以雙層台階結合下隱藏燈帶,引導劃分出工作區的領域性,刻意以黑色與灰色牆面設計,營造沉浸式氛圍,同時避免造成工作時的視覺干擾。 在玄關、工作室及臥室內的邊角多以小圓弧線收邊,藉此軟化冷調的線性空間。以木地板結合無痕水泥雙重材質工法混搭的地坪,結合自然光照的溫暖色調,細膩鋪陳的設計巧思,讓空間不只是經典而細緻,也突顯空間獨一無二的簡約個性。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design was lauded for its masterful blend of contrasts, from the black cabinet against the white wall to the bold yellow accents, creating visual interest. The use of soft arcs to ease the transition between spaces, along with the mix of wooden floors and cement, introduces warmth and texture. This careful attention to detail reflects a space that is both classic and modern, effectively showcasing the unique character of the interior.
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