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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation T M Design Studio
Designer Huang Cheng Hsuan
English To preserve the white space of the room, the principles of simplicity, elegance, and beauty should be applied, and unnecessary decoration should be discarded in favor of a focus on texture. By using lines and cutting techniques to present the original appearance of the space, the accumulation of layers of white space can be used to convey the essence of life.Simplify the design by removing the unnecessary and retaining the essential, while preserving the natural traces. The best design is one that is not over-designed, but just right.
Native 將這樣就好的設計概念融入到生活中,不刻意設計就是設計,反對為了設計而設計,什麼都沒有,才有最多可能性。當空間與人的關係越緊密時,設計就應該越簡單,以最簡約即空白的形式,來呈現空間的本質與純粹。 為了保留空間自由度,運用簡法美學,捨棄繁雜裝飾,忠於質感,以線條、切割手法呈現空間原有樣貌,藉留白積聚層次,來傳遞生活的本質。 去蕪存菁,保留自然痕跡,去除不必要,留下必要,讓設計變的簡單,沒有設計的設計概念,剛剛好就是最好。 設計是一種慢慢被感知,是為了解決生活中的問題所設計,以人為中心,強調人與自然的關係,在設計中注入個人情感,讓心靈在溫暖中徜徉,創造空間中最自然的樣貌。我們從不定義一種生活,卻始終以生活為本。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design's minimalist approach, emphasizing simplicity, elegance, and the beauty of unadorned texture, received high praise for capturing the essence of life through the strategic use of white space and line work. Its philosophy of eliminating non-essential elements to focus on the natural and essential was lauded for achieving a balance between design and functionality, epitomizing the principle that the best design is one that is understated yet perfectly executed.
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  1. Intelligent Water Resources Dispatch System

  2. 4Paradigm Sage AIOS Packaging Design


  4. ScienceCom

  5. SAIO

  6. Welcome Digital Bank Visual Identity

  7. Care Together Happy Together Visual branding

  8. Manna corporate identity design

  9. Pingtan Book House

  10. Korean Medicine Blooms

  11. Re Braille

  12. 4Paradigm Pandemic Prediction System Design


  14. Graphic design for Gwangju city commemoration

  15. The Worldly book design

  16. Bexei The Wandering Earth

  17. Garden Salt

  18. SFOC Visual Identity

  19. Jeonnam Dragons Football Club Rebranding

  20. Law Greening Workshop

  21. Happy X Day

  22. Care U Most

  23. 2022 Graduation exhibition GROW GLOW

  24. Bubble Bomb

  25. Energy Utopia

  26. WALRUS PUMP Brand Design

  27. Newing

  28. The Song rhythm of Dongqian Lake

  29. SHIN KONG Bank Light Evolution

  30. ROKAF Typeface

  31. THE PENTHOUSE Visual Branding

  32. BE BETTER Packaging for the Earth in 2050


  34. YNL Design CI Renewal

  35. Sauce Expert

  36. Project Echo

  37. Zaishengdao Rice Packaging Design

  38. Butak Care app services for care workers

  39. Prejudice

  40. Origami Amenities

  41. History and Legend of Gangneung

  42. Concept ARC Dual Flush Valve

  43. Midea Industrial City smart operation of IOC

  44. MY CHOICE Visual Branding

  45. SHIFTDOOR RESIDENCE Brand Identity


  47. NCSOFT Leaders Kit

  48. Welcome FG Seasons Greetings Pack

  49. Matsu HandPulled Noodle Brand Design

  50. TOLOKAH Brand Design

  51. Tuntex Branding

  52. Smart Home Network Wall Pad HDHN4000

  53. Sunforest

  54. XIJIAJIA An AI Digital Human

  55. Breeze White

  56. AIOT Smart Park Integrated System

  57. 4paradigm Sage HyperCycle CESS

  58. 60 year memories of WAN CHUAN HSING

  59. Smart Home Solution System HDHN 4000SET

  60. DNAKE Sapphire Series

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