

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Unique Interior Design and Decor Co., Ltd.
Designer Chen Yu Chiu
English The designer of Eclipse drew inspiration from parental love and family bonds, symbolizing maternal affection with a warm halo and representing paternal love and unwavering spirit through the warm veneer and the texture of the hard stone. The rooms are primarily designed with a dark palette, using materials similar to the public area but incorporating the preferences and characteristics of the room owner. This ensures that each room maintains the overall design theme of the public area while having its own distinctive features that complement rather than clash with the overall aesthetic.
Native 開門始見餐廳,以此為開放空間中心,採回字形動線確保流暢,對稱性設計手法沿著大門,以木格柵及石材紋理劃,門邊的櫃體提供收納,中段簍空古銅金屬的光澤與燈光映照,使夜晚的餐廳散發沉靜內斂氛圍,任時光靜靜流淌。 以對開推拉門劃分廚房與餐廳,鐵件玻璃拉門隔絕油煙,用具穿透性的玻璃讓空間視覺變得開闊。客廳與餐廳被樑柱分割,設計師將女兒房牆面往客廳方向推進,消弭樑柱存在感,以溫潤的礦物塗料裝飾,自立面延伸至天花板,形成迴廊般的設計亮點。 客廳使用多樣異材質相互襯托,電視牆以材質分割橫向延伸線條,達到放大視覺效果,牆面內凹處以典雅的古銅金屬嵌入墨黑開放櫃體,創造俐落又不失優雅的空間輪廓。 沙發背牆以細膩金屬線條分割橫向延伸的面狀,隱藏主臥室入口,沉穩內斂的墨黑石材點綴白色紋理,背牆上古銅金屬光澤的光圈,讓人聯想一輪皎月的意象。 推開主臥室大門,深棕色木格柵映入眼簾,連續直向線條隱藏衛浴入口,避免開門即見衛浴的不便,床頭橫向延伸的線條,產生視覺的擴展感,背牆以簡潔金屬線條劃分,天花板設計以黑白色帶分割,堆疊層次同時延伸垂直向視覺,暈染昏黃光線傾瀉而下,渲染愜意又雅趣的氛圍。 女兒房的半月形鏡櫃造型設計如月蝕漸變過程,成為視覺焦點,空間整體以率性的灰色及米色為基調,營造恬靜氛圍。 兒子房以木格柵自入口處天花板向內延伸,格柵間崁入長度不一的線狀燈條,如流動般引導視線描摹細節,以幾何的斜型設計語彙修飾樑的存在感,下方俐落的線狀燈減輕其量體感,並補充床頭照明,隱隱暈開的光勾勒富有陽剛氣質的空間輪廓。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The Eclipse design is lauded for its deep exploration of family bonds, masterfully using a mix of textures and colors to symbolize parental love and individuality. Its thoughtful approach in material selection and color palette across private and public spaces maintains thematic consistency while allowing personalization, showcasing a harmonious balance between collective identity and individual preferences.
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