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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Yuanpei interior Decoration Co., Ltd.
English Based on the corner's excellent natural lighting, the design team took wabi-sabi elements in wood tones and curved walls to guide the route. The light and darkness create a commercial space with texture and vitality, as well as accessibility. Open clinics, customized circular tracks, plantings, and curved walls provide a calm and natural atmosphere. The project emphasizes the use of lines to achieve modification and show changes. They harmonize each area with daylight, combining dusty tones and wood to complete a low-key and healing space with cool tones, contrasting the hustle and bustle of the city and people’s minds.
Native 基地為新成屋,作品為牙醫診療所,靈感來自業主對於空間環境設定的風格與需求,設計端仔細考慮三角窗地帶可以銜接優良的日光效果,因此在作品中挹注帶有木質調的侘寂元素,利用弧形牆面導引視覺動線,過道壁面之間相偕一盞盞壁燈,等候使用者進入診間,藉由光線的收縮與放大創建一個既有質感又有活力的商業空間,同時提供無障礙設計。 開放式診間、訂製圓弧軌道搭配植栽,以及曲線壁面,讓使用者感受到冷靜自然的氛圍。本案對於修飾性線條如何展現、變化都下足了功夫,設計端以獨到感知力揉塑無窮無盡的想像,將想法觸及平面與立體向度,調和各區域與日光的和諧性與一致感,結合暮色系及木質等元素,讓環境迎來敞亮的暖煦日光,最終完成以冷色調為主的低調而寧靜的療癒環境,讓城市的喧囂和內心的忙碌一掃而空。 基地擁有良好的採光環境,透過格局變動,設計端將三角窗的位置留給體驗者以及醫護人員,讓自然光源可以有效地被使用者感受到,格局規劃打造出符合無障礙設施的標準空間,提供每一位使用者優質的醫療體驗。另外全室使用淺色調的漆料,可以有效地折射及暈染日光,讓整體環境都充滿舒適不刺眼的光暈效果。 建材部分,全室採用的建材均符合綠建材合格標準,且使用比例最多的材料為礦物漆,具備耐髒、易清潔等特性,可以降低日後人力維護成本。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The project is celebrated for its masterful integration of wabi-sabi principles and natural lighting, creating a commercial space that not only offers tranquility and accessibility but also stands as a sanctuary of calm amidst urban chaos. The use of curved walls, customized pathways, and strategic plantings enhances the space's organic feel, making it a testament to design's power in crafting healing and harmonious environments.
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