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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation GooDesign Interior Design
Designer Ming Kai Hsu
English Facing a space which has existed for 30 years, the designer refigures it with the client’s expectations as a special place with "sense of technology, modernity, and S-shaped curve" by the light, spacious patterns. Decorating the room which is filled with wooden materials with granite, LED light linear and amber mirror so as to establish a lively and exquisite maison. In order to effectively improve the inconvenience, the designer expands the scale of the public area, adding kitchen cabinets which has rebuilt a comfortable layout.
Native 面對已有30年歷史的住宅空間,設計者以符合屋主期望的「科技感、現代感、S形曲線造型」重新圍塑出使用者獨具個人特色的居家空間,以明亮的光感,寬敞舒適的回字型動線架構起空間,在充滿質感的木元素空間中,綴以花崗岩、LED線燈、琥珀鏡等材質,打造出兼具活潑與精緻格調的宅邸。為有效改善居住者過往在此生活的不便性,設計者公領域的空間尺度、增設廚櫃設備,重新打造出符合使用者生活樣貌的居家輪廓,「讓家的每一處成為使用者喜愛的生活場域」成為此設計案的核心概念。設計者尤其透過特別設計的S曲線造型鞋櫃的增設,為屋主帶來驚喜,並以可調式LED線燈,為原本冗長的走道帶來故事性,在機能上及情境上為屋主帶來豐富的生活樣貌!
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  1. Between Light · Corridor

  2. In praise of shadows


  4. Reverse time

  5. Single senior residents

  6. Realm of Tranquility

  7. Simple Corner of Nature

  8. Immerse in Sunlight

  9. New Asian Styling


  11. Extension

  12. French Sentiment Taipei

  13. UFO Collection

  14. Cloud Bookshelf

  15. Sales offices

  16. Pure WH

  17. Doggy Talky

  18. engraft


  20. Neo Modern L Bend Mixer

  21. FEI YANG

  22. Aroma Cocktail Lounges

  23. SpaceMaster

  24. Balance

  25. Poster [The Exhibition of Isu Is Size]

  26. Gwanghwamun Haemul

  27. Olive Young promotion packages for VIP

  28. Haizhou WuYue Plaza

  29. Symbiosis

  30. Colors of Strength & Tenderness

  31. Memory of Purple

  32. Caffe Diem @ Pekan Cina

  33. the track stretcher bed

  34. LIFE Lab.

  35. Boundary

  36. Cohesion

  37. Ai photography robot

  38. Colorful Palette

  39. The 10th Anniversary of CDU-Wintec

  40. The Hill Boutique

  41. Diversity and Cohesion

  42. Jade Artwork

  43. Synergetic Purity

  44. Black and White Narrative

  45. IJOY Slippers

  46. Reborn

  47. Microflat X

  48. bow lamp named "Monday"

  49. Circadian Glasses

  50. Forest Mood

  51. Dust Respirator Mask

  52. Seoul City bicycle

  53. Coreintive Corporate Identity

  54. Icy Speaker

  55. brutalist architecture

  56. KSCF Branding & VI

  57. DATAMONOLITH_AI Data Sculpture

  58. sosori

  59. Sunhyangjung

  60. Mobile Stream

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