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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Tanghe design
English We opt for pale wooden grain materials and complement pastel-colored home decors to succeed in the owner's favorite Muji style. And, when soft lighting illuminates the overall space, it is full of a tranquil atmosphere. In addition, we apply contrasting colors to present various appeals to the same-textured surroundings. For instance, finish the living room ceiling and interior walls with pure white paint but apply light gray coating on the partial TV wall to enhance the distinctive feature. Also, the walls and cabinets of the bedrooms adopt an identical flash color scheme, which brings innovative touches to the homey resting space.
Native 因應屋主喜愛的無印風格,全室選用淡色木紋搭襯淺色家飾,當柔光灑落,柔和恬靜的氛圍,浸潤一室。我們透過牆面跳色的方式,在同質調的空間中求變化——客廳天花板及牆面皆為純白色油漆,於是電視牆的部分,便採用淺灰塗料,注入一抹個性。臥室牆面及櫃體,亦做跳色處理,增添視覺巧思,讓看似平凡的休憩空間,多了一絲新意。 在20坪大的空間裡,我們希望彰顯簡約大氣的質調,因此在「天花板」的部分特別著墨——客廳及餐廳過渡區域,以高低層次的方式,放大空間視感;電視牆作為家的端景,透過大片圓弧收邊,清朗氣質流淌而下;臥室天花板的弧線設計,亦遙相呼應,整體場域形塑一種流暢的律動,豐富了空間視覺。 考量屋主的使用需求,我們在櫃體設計上,皆量身打造;一部分是為了滿足機能,另一部分則是希望跳脫既有框架,在形體上做變化。玄關區域的大面壁櫃,採懸空設計,除了讓整體視覺較顯輕盈,同時方便掃地機器人的進出和收納;鏡面旁的櫃體也做了微幅抬高,兼具衣物放置及穿鞋椅功能。餐廳和臥室的邊櫃,在儲物之餘,利用線條及色調增添些許趣味。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design's Muji-inspired use of pale woods and pastel decors, complemented by soft lighting, has earned praise for creating a tranquil atmosphere. The strategic contrast of colors, especially in the living room and bedrooms, adds distinctive features and innovation to the serene spaces, showcasing a successful blend of minimalism and warmth.
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