
Smile Curve

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Chih Yi Chen
English The interior space planning continues the spirit of the clinic's "creating a perfect smile curve", with many arc curves elements, integrating the waiting area, the check-in counter and the parent-child game area. This planning presents an integrated and smooth spatial vision extending to the back side. Different from the general pale and cold clinic space, by creating a comfortable and relaxing space, the clinic's holistic treatment spirit is integrated into the whole room space flow and detail design, making dental treatment warm, comfortable and full of expectations experience.
Native 室內空間規劃延續診所「打造完美微笑曲線」的精神,以大量圓弧曲線為元素,整合候診區、報到櫃台與延伸至後側的親子遊戲區,呈現一體化流暢的空間視覺。診所內迎賓的水磨石紋櫃台與銀灰色藝術漆打造的主牆面,與窗外映入的陽光相輝映,將純白色調為主體、結合淺色白橡木紋家具,與水泥灰地坪的空間,營造出自然而俐落的複合場域。微笑曲線的核心概念,以弧形元素呈現在環形吊燈、圓角櫃台、弧形親子遊戲區與木質座椅之中,藉由順暢圓潤的動線,營造明亮、輕盈的空間情境,降低看診者的緊張心情,也同時讓患者對診治後的改變充滿期待。無障礙的緩坡道與診間通道也是貼心的設計細節,以磁性美耐板規劃的親子遊戲區,是老少咸宜的友善空間,孩子們在候診前後享受快樂塗鴉、拼圖、堆疊積木的樂趣,家長亦可閱讀書籍與繪本,減輕對看牙的緊張情緒。診療區域延續以淺色木紋地板與白色系牆面與壁櫃為主調,搭配灰色藝術漆營造現代洗練的個性,既開放又封閉的診療區以直紋玻璃作為隔屏素材,光線在空間中恣意穿梭,建構出既保有就診的隱密感,又能兼顧通風透光的效果。衛教區以西班牙窯燒磚拼貼壁面,藍綠色釉面與白色水磨石檯面,如臨湖水山澗,塑造出一種令人放鬆的藝術氣息。藉由空間營造,讓診所堅持的全人治療精神,融入空間動線與細節設計中,讓看牙成為一趟溫馨且充滿期待的體驗。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The clinic's design, emphasizing arc curves and a "perfect smile curve" theme, has been praised for creating a warm, integrated space that diverges from traditional clinical environments. Its seamless flow and comforting atmosphere, incorporating a holistic treatment approach, transform dental visits into positive experiences, earning acclaim for innovation and patient-focused design.
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