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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation XIPIN Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Shun Jhang Jian, Liang Kuang Yan, Hsin En Lee
English The combination of marble, wood, metal, and glass materials adds sophistication to the area. The public area features an open design that integrates the living room, dining and kitchen space, and study, creating a golden triangle living line that encourages interaction between people and the space. The living room boasts a stunning orange leather sofa that complements the light colored space perfectly. The TV wall is a sight to behold with its unique deconstructed artwork aesthetic, thanks to the design of the stone and wood veneer and the linear and openwork.
Native 甫入玄關,設置頂天鞋櫃作為端景,避免人的視線在入室後直接看見客廳,藉此解決風水問題。隨著動線引領走向餐廚空間,延續大理石材與木料的應用,賦予場域延伸感,再搭配些許金屬與玻璃元素做妝點,為空間營造精緻典雅的品味。在公領域,團隊採用開放式設計將客廳、餐廚空間與書房做整合,搭配恰到好處的場域佈局,形塑出「黃金三角」的生活動線,使人與空間產生對話。走向客廳,擺放一張橘紅色皮革沙發於淺淡色調的空間當中,達到畫龍點睛的效果。另外,電視牆以輕量化的型態做呈現,利用石材與木皮質料搭配線性與鏤空設計,使其如解構重組的藝術品,極具獨特美感。走向開放式書房,背牆架設的櫃體導入畫框元素,除了讓視覺倍感立體之外,當物件放入櫃體時還能呈現如畫那般的優美。本案透過團隊的精心擘劃後,利用縱向、橫向的立面設計與垂直、平行的線條清晰地劃分出公、私領域。同時,搭配線性燈帶於空間,以柔和的光源消弭空間載體的冷硬感。此外,在滿足機能與美感的情況下,團隊還貼心地使用環保的塗料鏝抹於全室,大幅減少甲醛、重金屬之有機揮發物,讓居者住得健康又安心。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments "The Land of Art" by XIPIN Interior Design secured the 'Gold Winner' title at the Asia Design Prize 2024 for its exceptional use of materials and open design concept, fostering a sophisticated yet interactive living environment. The jury praised its innovative combination of marble, wood, metal, and glass, alongside a deconstructed artwork aesthetic on the TV wall, which together redefine luxury and connectivity within a living space.
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  6. Welcome Digital Bank Visual Identity

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  26. WALRUS PUMP Brand Design

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  29. SHIN KONG Bank Light Evolution

  30. ROKAF Typeface

  31. THE PENTHOUSE Visual Branding

  32. BE BETTER Packaging for the Earth in 2050


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  59. Smart Home Solution System HDHN 4000SET

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