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Country Japan
Year 2024
Affiliation GOSIZE Co., Ltd.
Designer Go Fujita
English It is a refined three-story concrete exposed house located in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture. Due to its proximity to neighboring apartment buildings and a busy road, the emphasis was placed on blocking sightlines and noise. The design incorporates a Japanese perspective, creating a blurred relationship between the interior and exterior, with gently rising exterior walls of varying heights serving as boundaries. Rather than completely separating the elements of interior and exterior, movement and stillness, yin and yang, the design blurs the boundaries, allowing for a space with room for interpretation, resulting in a rich and evocative ambiance.
Native 兵庫県芦屋に建つ端正なコンクリート打ち放しの 3 階建ての住宅である。 近隣に集合住宅が立ち並び交通量が多い道路に接する敷地のため、視線と騒音を遮断する事が重要視された。 日本的な視点で内部と外部の曖昧な関係を作り、高さを変えながらに緩やかに立ち上がっていく外壁を境界に設けた。 重なる外壁の隙間からできた半屋外のアプローチを進むにつれ徐々に外界の音が薄れていく。 エントランスを抜けると荒々しくも繊細なタタキ仕上げの壁と現代アートが配され、静謐な空間となっている。 間接照明に導かれるように階段を上がると、開放感に満ちたリビングが現れる。 二層吹抜けの窓から差し込む太陽光は錫の壁紙に鈍く反射され、リビングの隅々まで柔らかく広が っていく。分厚い壁を穿つ大開口が切り取る外の景色は、時間や季節によって表情を変えるスクリ ーンとなって日々の豊かさを演出してくれる。昼の開放感に満たされた空間から一転して、夜のリ ビングには、ハイセンスな美術品やモダンな家具が配置され、幻想的で深みのある空間が作り出さ れる。内と外。動と静。陰と陽。これら 2 つの対立する要素を完全に分離するのではなく、緩やかな境界 で空間を曖昧にし、そこに生まれた余白のある空間が豊かな演出を生み出している。
Website www.gosize.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Ashiya S Residence, designed by Go Fujita, was awarded the 'Gold Winner' at the Asia Design Prize 2024 for its masterful integration of architectural innovation and traditional Japanese aesthetics. The jury admired how the design skillfully balances privacy with openness, using varying heights of exterior walls to create a serene, introspective space that blurs the lines between the interior and the exterior, embodying a harmonious blend of modernity and nature.
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  1. Intelligent Water Resources Dispatch System

  2. 4Paradigm Sage AIOS Packaging Design


  4. ScienceCom

  5. SAIO

  6. Welcome Digital Bank Visual Identity

  7. Care Together Happy Together Visual branding

  8. Manna corporate identity design

  9. Pingtan Book House

  10. Korean Medicine Blooms

  11. Re Braille

  12. 4Paradigm Pandemic Prediction System Design


  14. Graphic design for Gwangju city commemoration

  15. The Worldly book design

  16. Bexei The Wandering Earth

  17. Garden Salt

  18. SFOC Visual Identity

  19. Jeonnam Dragons Football Club Rebranding

  20. Law Greening Workshop

  21. Happy X Day

  22. Care U Most

  23. 2022 Graduation exhibition GROW GLOW

  24. Bubble Bomb

  25. Energy Utopia

  26. WALRUS PUMP Brand Design

  27. Newing

  28. The Song rhythm of Dongqian Lake

  29. SHIN KONG Bank Light Evolution

  30. ROKAF Typeface

  31. THE PENTHOUSE Visual Branding

  32. BE BETTER Packaging for the Earth in 2050


  34. YNL Design CI Renewal

  35. Sauce Expert

  36. Project Echo

  37. Zaishengdao Rice Packaging Design

  38. Butak Care app services for care workers

  39. Prejudice

  40. Origami Amenities

  41. History and Legend of Gangneung

  42. Concept ARC Dual Flush Valve

  43. Midea Industrial City smart operation of IOC

  44. MY CHOICE Visual Branding

  45. SHIFTDOOR RESIDENCE Brand Identity


  47. NCSOFT Leaders Kit

  48. Welcome FG Seasons Greetings Pack

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  52. Smart Home Network Wall Pad HDHN4000

  53. Sunforest

  54. XIJIAJIA An AI Digital Human

  55. Breeze White

  56. AIOT Smart Park Integrated System

  57. 4paradigm Sage HyperCycle CESS

  58. 60 year memories of WAN CHUAN HSING

  59. Smart Home Solution System HDHN 4000SET

  60. DNAKE Sapphire Series

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