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Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation BLANKSPACE
Designer Ni Jie Guo
English Flower path-with natural, short-lived plants, let time freeze in space in a different manner. The school of "Caoyue School" studied by owners does not pursue the so-called "right" and "standard", but also advocates free material and free expression. Its strong sense of innovation stands out in the traditional flower-path school. Therefore, we dismantle the design based on the spirit of "the flow of grass and moon": extracting elements from traditional Japanese architecture and transforming them into the modern architectural language, and exploring the relationship between structure and contemporary aesthetics with abstract Japanese features.
Native 花道 - 以自然、生命短暂的植物,让时间以一种别样的姿态定格在空间之中。业主研习的“草月流”流派以不追求所谓的“正确”和“标准”,更提倡自由素材及自由表现方式。其强烈的革新意识在传统花道流派中脱颖而出。因此在整个空间的设计上,我们基于“草月流”精神,对设计进行了拆解:从传统日式建筑中提炼元素并转化为现代建筑语言,以抽象的日式元素探索当代构造和美学的关系,让“她”不一定是传统的具象,但拥有日式的气质。在平面的组织上,建筑外部使用半高石墙作为前阶,用鹅卵石作为过渡,在户外环境和内部空间中我们开辟了第三区域,重新演绎了日本建筑传统物理媒介“缘侧”,让街边喧闹的氛围与室内静谧的氛围形成强烈对比。消除了建筑生硬的边界感。针对项目位于沿河边,湿度大的缺点。在空间层次上,我们在地面做了三个层级的抬高,抬高地面的第一层级降低潮湿的地气渗入,再在中空位置设置活动暗格,放置木炭以降低湿度,从而改善临河潮湿的问题同时让空间变得丰富。此外,三个渐进的抬高也预示着空间性质由公共向私密过渡,增强空间体验感。由于地面的抬高处理后吊顶的高度变得相对较矮,空间天花区块利用挑高构建,将原始建筑的梁位露出,利用点线面的关系塑造具有东方感的斜屋顶和木梁的效果,在大的框架下再以构成方式穿插结构造型。露在室内的梁柱结构给空间以节奏感和秩序感。不刻意找平所有墙面,裸露部分柱体和梁位呼应,让整个空间产生呼吸感。在空间肌理的营造上,我们更倾向于贴近自然元素质感,以米灰色艺术漆和深色木质相结合,营造出日式庭院氛围般静谧的体验空间。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments "Looping Flower" designed by Ni Jie Guo, was awarded the 'Gold Winner' at the Asia Design Prize 2024 for its innovative fusion of traditional Japanese architectural elements with modern design principles. The jury was particularly impressed by its reinterpretation of the "Caoyue School's" philosophy, advocating for freedom in material and expression, and its unique approach to integrating nature into design, making it a standout in promoting contemporary aesthetics while honoring cultural heritage.
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