Country |
China |
Year |
2021 |
Award |
Affiliation |
Liang Architecture Studio |
Designer |
Xu Liang, Wang Xinyan, Zhou Zesi, Sun Yongfang, Cheng Pingping |
English |
The floor slabs and rooftop along the central axis of the foyer was dismantled, which divided the building into two parts: the front and rear blocks. The hollow space at the middle becomes a daylighting atrium, which enables sunlight to directly filter into each floor. Besides, a new architectural block was added to link up the front and rear blocks.
A layer of perforated aluminum panel is set under the glass roof, which creates a sense of formality as light falling down. The angles of sunlight vary throughout the day and year. Natural light is the most environmentally-friendly and energy-saving "material" in this space. |
Native |
我们认为空间是由物体所创造,所以物体既是功能的需求也是空间层次的根本,他是存在空间动线环绕的一个载体。通过建筑的思维方式切入空间进行改造,开始把入户中轴上下方的楼板一直拆解到屋顶楼面,将原本的建筑一分为二,解构出前半部分和后半部分的两个建筑载体,给原本的建筑制造出一个中心采光天井,让阳光直接进入到建筑本身最中心的每层挑空空间,然后再穿插另一个建筑体块链接前后两个建筑的动线关系,在玻璃顶下方增加了一层穿孔铝板,是为了让光线进入的更有趣或是另一种仪式感,随着季节和经纬度的不同,阳光照射的角度也跟着变化,光线与空间自然就进行变化和流动,让光和不同空间进行对话,自然获得一种惊喜和满足,人在空间穿行也变的更有趣。光是空间最环保节能的材料,能影响到空间所有的人和事物。 |
Positive Comments |