Country |
Chinese Taipei |
Year |
2024 |
Award |
Affiliation |
MoreIn Design |
Designer |
Shih Chieh Kao |
English |
The designer prepares and reserves various flexibilities and possibilities for this space for the homeowner who’s single. Inspired by the “decentralization” concept of the metaverse, this design delicately combines the sense of technology, the warmth of humanities, and contemporary artistry by using an open layout, arrangement of light strips, multi-faceted furniture, and the selection of paints and materials. As light strips pervade the corridors and façades of each room, the intermingle of light and shadow allows the homeowner to enter and exit, just like logging in and out of, different living spaces, which are filled with rich variations. |
Native |
以「未來既視感 Future Déjà Vu 」為名,設計師為單身的屋主在空間中預備了各種彈性使用的可能。設計靈感取自元宇宙「去中心化」的精神,勾勒出屋主對居家生活情景的想像輪廓。以開放性的格局規劃、燈帶設置、多向性適用的家具,及塗料和材質選配,將科技感、人文溫度與當代藝術性巧妙疊合,亦把「此刻的生活」與「未來的想像」超時空整併在一起。以燈帶圍塑走道與各空間的立面邊界,隨著懸浮光框的明滅,居住者仿如登入、登出一幕幕豐富多變的生活場景。
中島餐廚區的天花以黑玻鋪設、中島底端運用燈帶與鏡面設計,營造虛擬實境感的科幻視效。全室以灰色塗料覆蓋,收整樑柱展現溫潤曲面,呈現人文質感。家具量體的對比配置,以及藍、紅、黑的跳色設計,在灰色中性基調的天、地、壁之間,形塑出簡潔雋永的人文藝術氣息,打造如當代藝術館的美感。 |
Positive Comments |
Judging Comments |
This design was lauded for its innovative integration of technology, warmth, and artistry, echoing the concept of decentralization in the metaverse. The open layout, strategic use of light strips, and contemporary furnishings offer a flexible and varied living experience, much appreciated for its ability to simulate the transition between virtual spaces in the physical realm. |