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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Mojo Design Studio
Designer Ya Han Chang
English The bar interior design, is based on the cultural and architectural elements that surprise people by using the plenty of Chinese classical factors, furniture, spatial colors and vermilion, which is the signature color in China. In this interior design project, we recycled and refurbished the vintage Chinese-style vermilion doors, widow grills and wood double doors that harmoniously integrate the contemporary, classical, eastern and western elements in the bar space. The vintage vermilion doors and the Chinese poetic words “Bringing in the Wine” decorated at the entrance imply the cultural feature of space.
Native 因此,我們在設計上承襲這樣的文化與建築語彙,運用許多中國古典元素,傢飾、空間的色彩搭配揉合代表中國的朱紅色,打破一般人對酒吧空間的想像。在本案中,我們回收朱紅色的老門片、窗花甚至式對開式的木栓門納入設計,使其獲得新生,讓現代與古典、東方與西方,相容並存於空間之中。 空間入口以朱紅色對開大門與”將進酒”這樣的文字與符號,暗喻空間的文化性,粗獷斑駁的大門拼構出極富質感又迷人的入口意象。室內的立面以連續性的古式窗花,讓空間產生內外區隔。延續設計語彙的同時,兼顧透光性同時維持場所必要的隱私性。內部空間規劃做了四種變化,有適合人數少的吧檯,亦有兩人至多人使用的座位區。在座椅上使用明亮的土耳其藍及紅紫色,讓色彩上呈現繽紛時尚的質感,並以少量的點綴方式,讓視覺富變化而不凌亂。燈飾則採用燈籠造型,但以突破傳統的綠色增加其獨特性。 吧檯區的櫃體設計,延續窗花概念作為推拉門片,加入線性黃色燈源,讓空間的視覺性有區隔,黃色調在幽暗的空間中,也躍升為整體視覺焦點。小型包廂式座位則以低彩度的手工漆,營造兩區域明與暗、華麗與古樸的強烈對比。整體空間為現代人製造一個,隨時能穿越時空回到古時中國的寧靜角落。
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  1. Shanhai Art Museum

  2. A Desired Home

  3. Gastronome Cubby Hole

  4. Single Man's House

  5. Love & Other

  6. Longfor Mansion Xiamen

  7. Bringing in the Wine


  9. Tranquil Life in Fog

  10. Banana Coffee

  11. HE JING

  12. Grasp Time

  13. Attractive House

  14. Dotel Co-working Space

  15. Suofeiya Mid-autumn Gift Box

  16. Serene Home

  17. STEEL PIPE CHAIR The Re Birth


  19. Line Composition | Natural

  20. Mercury Hotel Garden

  21. Roble Cafe and Restaurant

  22. C.U.R Park

  23. Air Block

  24. 2NDSTEP

  25. Wireless ECG Medal for Kids

  26. Base

  27. CSAC

  28. Brise

  29. POING

  30. Cooking Guide

  31. Branding Concept of Tadao Ando Art Museum

  32. full of memories

  33. Monitor stand

  34. Mobius Trip

  35. L Wall outlet

  36. Reassuring Seat

  37. Harmony between human and natural

  38. Touch the Sky

  39. River Animal Medical Center BI

  40. Repose

  41. Metropolitan

  42. Soo Kee Jewellery


  44. Pon & Tem CAFE

  45. The Dreamer Base

  46. Pure Processional Views

  47. Rustic Blends Sleek

  48. Meeting with elegant

  49. Mindfulness Meditation Conference

  50. Adult Children Test Book

  51. Design for children

  52. Contour dust app

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