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Country China
Year 2021
Affiliation Mango Design Studio
Designer Jason Fan
English The design emphasizes the concept of "dynamic and static separation". Five curved steel plates are inserted into the interior of the building in a dynamic way, and the boundary between the outdoor and the indoor is blurred. Designers envision them as the wreckage of a fallen plane, which exists in the form of deconstruction and separation, breaking the original solidified community life, and becoming the core visual point of the whole design. The seating area is arranged around them, so that each customer can pay attention to different forms of art installation from different angles.
Native 该项目面积约60平米,设计强调“动静分合”的概念,即五片曲面钢板以动态方式插入建筑内部,并模糊室外与室内的边界。设计师将其设想为坠落的飞机残骸,打破了原本固化的社区生活状态。它们以解构支离方式存在,成为整个设计的核心视觉点。座位区围绕着它们进行布局,每个顾客在品尝咖啡的同时,可以通过不同角度关注到艺术装置的不同形态,从而保持视觉互动与审美趣味。 在施工之中,五片巨大异形的不锈钢装置无疑带来了巨大挑战。为了让工艺最大程度还原最初的设计想法,设计师花费大量的时间在工厂沟通并解决问题。首先,他们在工厂搭建了场地一比一的模型,确保每一片装置的造型最后一次成型。然后是在模型中实验搭建,减少了在现场施工中带来无法预计的困难。最后,由于施工现场无法进行大规模的切割和焊接,也为了保证不打扰周边的居民,因此都选在了晚上施工和组装。 原本完整的金属板经过挤压,被裁切成5片形态各异的造型。其中3片曲面金属板被安排在入口处,包裹原建筑门头,以吸引来来往往的人群注目。入口左侧的隔墙被处理成三圆合一的镜子,成为每个到店顾客的打卡点,以满足他们的线上社交诉求。 在座椅的设计上,设计师摒弃了不必要的造型和材料叠加,简单的几何造型在精准比例的控制下,展现出了强有力的力量感。户外庭院的座位和只能放一杯咖啡的茶几,让顾客落座后更加关注产品本身。过道之间的椭圆椅子,其吸音棉材质与周边不锈钢的质感和光泽产生了强烈的视觉冲突。中部吧台被横向切开,区隔让顾客行为动静分合。自助台更像是一个黑匣子,吸附在长桌上,强调了它的存在。
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  1. Shanhai Art Museum

  2. A Desired Home

  3. Gastronome Cubby Hole

  4. Single Man's House

  5. Love & Other

  6. Longfor Mansion Xiamen

  7. Bringing in the Wine


  9. Tranquil Life in Fog

  10. Banana Coffee

  11. HE JING

  12. Grasp Time

  13. Attractive House

  14. Dotel Co-working Space

  15. Suofeiya Mid-autumn Gift Box

  16. Serene Home

  17. STEEL PIPE CHAIR The Re Birth


  19. Line Composition | Natural

  20. Mercury Hotel Garden

  21. Roble Cafe and Restaurant

  22. C.U.R Park

  23. Air Block

  24. 2NDSTEP

  25. Wireless ECG Medal for Kids

  26. Base

  27. CSAC

  28. Brise

  29. POING

  30. Cooking Guide

  31. Branding Concept of Tadao Ando Art Museum

  32. full of memories

  33. Monitor stand

  34. Mobius Trip

  35. L Wall outlet

  36. Reassuring Seat

  37. Harmony between human and natural

  38. Touch the Sky

  39. River Animal Medical Center BI

  40. Repose

  41. Metropolitan

  42. Soo Kee Jewellery


  44. Pon & Tem CAFE

  45. The Dreamer Base

  46. Pure Processional Views

  47. Rustic Blends Sleek

  48. Meeting with elegant

  49. Mindfulness Meditation Conference

  50. Adult Children Test Book

  51. Design for children

  52. Contour dust app

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