Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Yu Chu Interior Design
Designer Chih Chieh Tien
English For the complete space integrating the indoor and outdoor environment, the phytoncide, fresh air and sunlight smoothly filter through the wood blinds in the house. In the living room, the main wall, rather than normally being installed with TV, is adorned with the copper wall-mounted shelf, which is the one-of-a-kind feature in this design project. The souvenirs from countries displayed on the shelf not only signify the life journey from past to future, also shows prove the house owner’s constant self-motivation to “fill the shelf.”
Native 整體空間從室內延續到陽台,芬多精與窗外光氛亦自木百葉間隙悄悄流入,在空間設定上捨棄制式電視牆,以紅銅開放展示架構築牆面為本案獨特之處。將過去、現在、未來納入設計考量,展示牆擺置國外紀念品、代表人生歷程的禮物之外,更期許屋主能藉由展示牆的「填空」激勵自己不斷成長。 公領域以傢具座向分別界定餐廚空間、客廳、書房等三個場域,入內即可見簡約木質餐桌椅與懸垂細緻金屬燈飾構成之優雅餐廳,以清玻璃界定廚房空間,簡易而機能充足的壁櫃及鐵件層板收納,修飾空間細微處。 後側以色彩清新的沙發座面朝向光處,以木層板及鐵件組合構成簡易平台,錯落的層架上擺設綠意植栽,讓窗外喬木與室內藤蔓共構生機盎然的視覺。空間主牆面利用古銅鐵件,後以汽車烤漆處理出金屬色澤,打造特殊造型層板。縱橫交錯的層架與燈飾、平台共築多層次線條感,入口玄關系統櫃系統櫃,與主牆鐵件結合提升整體質感。 沙發後端由長桌界定書房空間,窗邊設置臥榻增添休閒氣息。全室以柔和粉紫色定調,局部彩度引導視覺焦點,木質、古銅鐵件讓空間出現溫度與色彩的變化,裸露的軌道燈與室內植栽點綴,增加粗曠與自然氣息,共同繪製藍紫色調輕北歐風的柔美居所。
Positive Comments
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  1. Between Light · Corridor

  2. In praise of shadows


  4. Reverse time

  5. Single senior residents

  6. Realm of Tranquility

  7. Simple Corner of Nature

  8. Immerse in Sunlight

  9. New Asian Styling


  11. Extension

  12. French Sentiment Taipei

  13. UFO Collection

  14. Cloud Bookshelf

  15. Sales offices

  16. Pure WH

  17. Doggy Talky

  18. engraft


  20. Neo Modern L Bend Mixer

  21. FEI YANG

  22. Aroma Cocktail Lounges

  23. SpaceMaster

  24. Balance

  25. Poster [The Exhibition of Isu Is Size]

  26. Gwanghwamun Haemul

  27. Olive Young promotion packages for VIP

  28. Haizhou WuYue Plaza

  29. Symbiosis

  30. Colors of Strength & Tenderness

  31. Memory of Purple

  32. Caffe Diem @ Pekan Cina

  33. the track stretcher bed

  34. LIFE Lab.

  35. Boundary

  36. Cohesion

  37. Ai photography robot

  38. Colorful Palette

  39. The 10th Anniversary of CDU-Wintec

  40. The Hill Boutique

  41. Diversity and Cohesion

  42. Jade Artwork

  43. Synergetic Purity

  44. Black and White Narrative

  45. IJOY Slippers

  46. Reborn

  47. Microflat X

  48. bow lamp named "Monday"

  49. Circadian Glasses

  50. Forest Mood

  51. Dust Respirator Mask

  52. Seoul City bicycle

  53. Coreintive Corporate Identity

  54. Icy Speaker

  55. brutalist architecture

  56. KSCF Branding & VI

  57. DATAMONOLITH_AI Data Sculpture

  58. sosori

  59. Sunhyangjung

  60. Mobile Stream

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